يجب تناوله تحت اشراف الطبيب لاعطاء الجرعة المناسبة للتقليل من الاثار الجانبية للدواء
Visbiežākās blakusparādības saistībā ar Co-Codamol lietošanu ir nogurums, kā arī slikta dūša un aizcietējums, par ko ziņots 1 % – 10 % ārstēto pacientu.
Lietojot vienlaicīgi ar probenecīdu, jāapsver devas samazināšana, jo probenecīds, nomācot saistīšanos ar glikuronskābi, gandrīz uz pusi samazina paracetamola klīrensu.
are below eighteen yrs outdated and possess had your tonsils or adenoids eradicated as a consequence of a sleep trouble named obstructive slumber apnoea syndrome
pacientiem ar iekaisīgām zarnu slimībām - iespējams toksisks, akūts resnās zarnas paplašināšanās challenges;
هل يؤثر على الضغط اذا كان مرتفعا واذا كان يتعاطى علاج الضغط فهل يجوز ان ياخذه المريض
holestiramīnu (lai samazinātu holesterīna līmeni) un zāles, kas kavē kuņģa iztukšošanos, jo šīs zāles var samazināt Co-Codamol iedarbību;
sensation Unwell or vomiting - acquire co-codamol with or maybe after a food or snack. Feelings of sickness need to Usually dress in off soon after a few days. Speak with your health practitioner about having an anti-sickness drugs if it carries on for more time.
) sindromu paracetamols jālieto piesardzīgi. Jāsamazina deva vai jāpagarina starplaiks starp devu lietošanas reizēm.
Others usually tend to get significant Unwanted effects simply because an exceptionally large volume of morphine is developed. In the event you detect any of the subsequent side effects, get more info you must halt using this drugs and seek fast medical assistance: sluggish or shallow respiration, confusion, sleepiness, compact pupils, feeling or getting Unwell, constipation, not enough hunger.
Co-codamol shouldn't be employed for discomfort aid in little ones and adolescents after removing of their tonsils or adenoids resulting from Obstructive Rest Apnoea Syndrome.
pacientiem ar smagiem nieru darbības traucējumiem (skatīt four.two. apakšpunktu). Ilgstošas lietošanas gadījumā nav iespējams izslēgt nieru bojājuma risku;
Co-codamol isn't typically recommended for the duration of pregnancy and while breastfeeding. There may be safer medicines you usually takes.
Generally just take this medicine particularly as your medical professional or pharmacist has told you. Test with the physician or pharmacist if you are not certain. Your prescriber should have discussed along with you, how long the system of Co-codamol 15mg/500mg Capsules will last.
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